Evaluate Communicate Business Requirement

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  • "Evaluate Communicate Business Requirement" could refer to the process of assessing and analyzing business requirements and effectively communicating them to the relevant stakeholders. This process is essential in ensuring that everyone involved in a project understands the business needs and can work towards meeting those requirements.

    In the IT domain, the process of evaluating and communicating business requirements is critical for the success of a project. It helps bridge the gap between business stakeholders and IT professionals, ensuring that the final solution aligns with the business objectives and meets the expectations of all parties involved. This process is often iterative, with feedback loops to refine and adjust requirements as needed throughout the project lifecycle.


    Evaluate: Assess and analyze the gathered business requirements.

    This involves reviewing the requirements for feasibility, clarity, and consistency. It may include evaluating the technical and financial aspects of implementing the proposed solutions.

    Communicate: Share the analyzed business requirements with relevant stakeholders.

    Effectively communicate the findings, insights, and implications of the evaluated requirements to different stakeholders. This communication ensures that all parties involved, including developers, project managers, and business stakeholders, have a clear understanding of the business needs and goals.

    Business Requirement: Define the needs and objectives of the business that the IT solution aims to address.

    Identify and document specific functionalities, features, and constraints that the IT system or solution must fulfill to meet the business goals.



    Central Processing Unit (CPU):

    The CPU is the primary component of a computer that performs most of the processing. It interprets and executes instructions from the computer's memory.

    Random Access Memory (RAM):

    RAM is a type of computer memory that is used to store data and machine code currently being used and processed by a computer.

    Hard Disk Drive (HDD) and Solid State Drive (SSD):

    HDD and SSD are storage devices used to store and retrieve digital information on a computer.

    Operating System (OS):

    The operating system is software that manages computer hardware and provides services for computer programs. It acts as an intermediary between users and the computer hardware.

    Application Software:

    Application software consists of programs designed to perform specific tasks for end-users. These can include word processors, web browsers, and graphic design tools.

    Programming Languages:

    Programming languages are sets of instructions that allow humans to communicate with computers. They enable the development of software applications.

    Data Breach


    A Data Breach is an event that results in exposing confidential, sensitive, or other protected information to an unauthorized person.

    How do you handle a data breach?

    If a data breach has occurred, it’s necessary to respond immediately and investigate the incident as soon as possible.

    Root of Data Breach:

    Although the reasons behind a data breach may vary, there are strict steps you need to take when responding to and investigating any such cybersecurity incident.




    A procedure is defined as an ordered list of recommended steps for performing a task. Standard operating procedures, for instance, must be followed step-by-step to get the desired output (work that is on par with the organization’s quality and safety standards). Deviating at any step in the procedure may lead to unexpected outcomes with serious consequences.

    Positive: You contact your ISP to resolve an issue with your internet connection. The customer support representative is knowledgeable, patient, and effectively guides you through troubleshooting steps. They actively listen to your concerns, provide clear instructions, and offer a solution promptly. The issue is resolved in a timely manner, and the representative follows up to ensure that everything is working smoothly. Negative: You encounter a problem with your computer hardware and reach out to the manufacturer's technical support line. Upon contacting them, you are transferred multiple times between different support agents, each asking for the same information. The support agents seem unfamiliar with the product and provide conflicting solutions. The entire process becomes time-consuming and frustrating.

    What support aspects were professional and/or unprofessional? Professional:The customer support representative was knowledgeable and patient. Unprofessional: No unprofessional aspects mentioned in the positive experience scenario.

    The support process was efficient and timely. The issue was resolved promptly, and the representative followed up to ensure everything was working smoothly.

    Yes, the problem was resolved. The positive experience indicates that the issue was addressed to the user's satisfaction.


    Communication evaluation methods and models are essential tools for strategic communicators who want to measure the impact of their communication activities. Evaluation helps you to identify what works, what doesn't, and how to improve your communication tactics.


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    Business Requirements


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